Sustainability Net Zero Technology and Management Practice
Teacher: 張嘉修,許家偉,楊朝棟,蔡坤霖,陳鶴文,MrinaliniMishra
9Hours/9Weeks (Course is Time End)


This course mainly discusses topics, including microalgae carbon negative and circular economy, smart carbon management system and analysis, solar microgrid, comprehensive management of carbon assets, ESG corporate sustainable services, discussing and explaining Sustainability Net Zero Technology and Management Practices.


Course Objective

Integrate technologies related to smart sustainability and circular economy to solve various key issues of future sustainable development.

1. Understand the current progress of carbon capture and reuse with algae at home and abroad, as well as the feasibility and commercialization potential of combining biological carbon sequestration with circular economy.

2. Allow students to implement the construction of a smart carbon management system using the Internet of Things, big data, and AI to implement energy conservation and carbon reduction.



Jo-Shu Chang

Present job:

Tunghai university vice-president

Tunghai university Chief Sustainability

Tunghai university Department of Chemical
and Materials Engineering Chair Professor

Educational Background:

Ph.D. in Chemical/Biochemical Engineering
University of California, Irvine

Man-Yu Yang

Present job:

Delta Electronics Project Manager


Chao-Tung Yang

Present job:

Tunghai university Office of Library and
Information Services Chairman

Tunghai university Computer Science
Department Lifetime Distinguished Professor

Educational Background:

Ph.D. in Institute od Computer Science
and Engineering National Chiao Tung University


Kun-Lin Tsai

Present job:

Tunghai university Department of
Electrical Engineering Associate Professor

Educational Background:

Ph.D. in Graduate Institute of
Electronics Engineering National Taiwan University


Ho-Wen Chen

Present job:

Tunghai University Department of
Environmental Science and Engineering Distinguished Professor

Tunghai University Office of Sustainable
Development Chairman

Educational Background:

Ph.D. in Department of Environmental
Engineering, National Cheng Kung University


Mrinalini Mishra

Present job:

Tunghai University Sustainability Science
and Management Assistant Professor

Educational Background:

Ph.D. in Department of Materials Science
and Engineering in University of Tsukuba

Course Schedule

Unit 1:Microalgae Carbon Negative and Circular Economy

Unit 2:The journey of Delta Electronics’ Sustainable Management

Unit 3:Intelligent Campus Engery Management System

Unit 4:Clean production

Unit 5:Environmental Management in Sustainable Enterprises

Unit 6:Sustainable Hydrogen Generation: Concepts

Unit 7:Photocatalysts for Hydrogen Generation and Carbon Capture

Unit 8:Energy storage: fundamentals and materials

Unit 9:Green Energy and Microgrid

Course Contents

technologies related to smart sustainability and circular economy to solve
various key issues of future sustainable development.

Understand the current progress of carbon capture and reuse with algae at home
and abroad, as well as the feasibility and commercialization potential of
combining biological carbon sequestration with circular economy.

2. Allow students to implement
the construction of a smart carbon management system using the Internet of
Things, big data, and AI to implement energy conservation and carbon reduction.

Grading Policy

課堂互動Participation:10 %

平時作業 Assignment:70 %

期末考Final Exam: 20% 

Passing Criteria

Course Passing Grade:60 Full Score 100 point


Welcome to all those who are interested in sustainable courses








