FM-World Music Cultures世界音樂文化
Teacher: 胡敏德Made Mantle Hood
Registration deadline:2026/12/31
2Hours/5Weeks (Current Running)


隨選隨學!Let's have fun with this MOOC:World Music Cultures世界音樂文化!

 (本課程隨選隨學,僅提供課程影片,無授課教師與助教參與,也不開放測驗、討論區、與證書等功能。This course only provides instructional videos,and does not offer exams, discussion forums, or certificates.

The World Music lectures and projects give an introduction to the performance genres of designated cultural traditions of geographically diverse musics and to related concepts useful in ethnomusicology, including the social, ceremonial, and musical functions of music. No prior music traning is required for this course, only a curiosity about music and culture beyond one’s own.

#英語授課(EMI,English as a Medium Instruction)

Course Objective

The core unit is designed to introduce undergraduate and graduate students to geographic areas such as Southeast Asia, Africa, Middle East, and Oceania where music traditions and popular culture merge. Students will listen to and appreciate music covering history, basic theory, and ethnography.

The World music lectures and projects give an introduction to the performance genres of designated cultural traditions of World music and to related concepts useful in ethnomusicology, including the social, ceremonial, and musical functions of the music. World music ideas of musical sophistication, virtuosity, form, and meaning are examined in relation to similar concepts in the other visual and performing arts.


Made Mantle Hood 胡敏德





Course Schedule

Unit 1:概述民族音樂學、何謂傳統音樂與非傳統音樂、音樂與社會脈絡 Brief Introduction of Ethnomusicology, Traditional V.S. Non-traditional music, Music and Social Context

Unit 2:廣義非洲音樂特徵、代表性音樂行動者 Cultural determinants of African music, Representative musical activists

Unit 3:印度音樂的樂器特性、節奏形式與旋律形式 Indian instruments and musical form

Unit 4:殖民史、以聲音共享世界觀 Brief history of colonialism, the voice as a cultural determinant

Unit 5:相互交織的文化、甘美朗、皮影戲 Intertwined Cultures, Gamelan, Shadow puppet

Course Contents

Each unit will take students on a journey through a region of the world. Using our ear as a guide, students will learn to hear and understand news sounds and their meanings. Each unit adds to our music playlist expanding the very definition of what we call music. For example, listening exercises and feedback sheets will help student understand why Hawaiian hula’s animated history sees it as ‘poetry and prayer’ or how Korean sanjo semi-improvised solo instrumental music has achieved a higher status than KPOP. Students will read about and listen to musics such as Indian tabla drumming and sitar music or Balinese orchestral gamelan to demonstrate that popular music is not the only music streaming to millions of fans!

Grading Policy

This course does not offer exams or certificates.

Passing Criteria

Course Passing Grade:100 Full Score 100 point

Course Suggest




4.《看得見的人類大遷徙》,作者:Robin Cohen

5.《憂鬱的熱帶》,作者:Claude Lévi-Strauss

6.《見樹又見林》,作者:Allan G. Johnson