如果忘记密码怎么办? I forgot my password. What should I do?

如果忘记密码怎幺办? I forgot my password. What should I do?
lilyn.admin 发表于 2021年03月3日 星期三 10:16

Step1. 在登录页面中,有「忘记帐号或密码吗?」的选项,请点击进入搜索帐户页面。

On login page, you'll see “Forgotten your username or password?” button, please click it to go to next page.

Step2. 请使用您的用户名称或是信箱来搜索您的帐户,择一搜索即可

Please use your username or email to search your account.

Step3. 在确认您的帐户后,系统会寄送确认信给您,若您收到信件并且确定要重设密码,


After confirming your account, system will send you a confirm email. 

If you receive and make sure you'd like to reset your password, then it will send you 

another email with default password for you to log in.

Step4. 请在透过临时密码登录后,点击右上角「您的帐户」「更改密码」,将密码修改成您喜欢的密码唷!

After logging in, you can find “change password” button by clicking your account in the upper right. 

Please change password to the one you like.