8Hours/16Weeks (Course is Time End)


  • 結合農業師資與華語師資:「農業華語數位教學課程——植物篇」由屏科大華語專業教師與農業學門專業教師合作,以主題式教學進行課程。
  • 情境教學:利用情境教學的模式,利用農業相關場地拍攝,搭配一般華語中的TOCFL A2-B1詞彙、語法進行教學。藉此達到農業學習與華語學習的成效。

  • " Agricultural Chinese - Plants" is a theme-based course conducted by the Mandarin teachers and the agricultural department professional teachers of NPUST.
  • Agricultural teachers take a video in the agricultural-related fields, and Mandarin teachers teach TOCFL A2-B1 vocabulary and grammar. In this way, you can learn both agricultural knowledge and the Chinese language.

Course Objective

1. 能透過華語獲取農業領域的知識與概念。
2. 習得農業領域的專有華語詞彙與用語,並能應用於相關專業領域。
3. 能閱讀農業領域相關的中文訊息。
4. 能利用華語進行有效的口語溝通。
5. 強化學生的華語能力至 TOCFL B1等級。

1. To acquire knowledge and concepts in the field of agriculture through Chinese.
2. Acquire specialized Chinese vocabulary and terminology in the field of agriculture, which can be applied in related professional fields.
3. Able to read Chinese information related to agriculture.
4. Be able to communicate effectively in Chinese.
5. Strengthen students' Chinese language ability to TOCFL B1 level.


Course Schedule

第1週:臺灣的土地位置 The land location of Taiwan&臺灣的氣候 The climate of Taiwan

第2週:植物的構造 The structure of plants&植物的生長 Plant growth

第3週:植物的有性繁殖 Sexual reproduction of plants&植物的無性繁殖 Asexual reproduction of plants

第4週:土壤 Soil&肥料 Fertilizer

第5週:植物病害 Plant Diseases&植物蟲害-秋行軍蟲 Plant pests - autumn army insects

第6週:植物草害-雜草 Plant weeds – weeds&農藥 Pesticides

第7週:什麼是農藝? What is agronomy?&農藝作物的分類 Classification of agronomic crops

第8週:農藝作物的栽培技術 Cultivation techniques of agronomic crops&農藝作物的栽培與管理 Cultivation and management of agronomic crops

第9週:連作栽培制度 Continuous cropping cultivation system&連作障礙 Continuous cropping replant failure

第10週:複作栽培制度 Compounding Cultivation System&混作栽培制度 Mixed crop cultivation system

第11週:間作栽培制度 Intercropping Cultivation System&輪作栽培制度 Rotational Cultivation System

第12週:球根花卉栽培 Bulbous Flower Cultivation&蔬菜育苗栽培 Vegetable Seedling Cultivation

第13週:果樹整枝修剪 Fruit tree pruning&果實套袋及採收處理 Fruit bagging and harvesting

第14週:網室栽培 Net Room Cultivation&溫室栽培 Greenhouse cultivation

第15週:春化作用 vernalization&什麼是養液栽培? What is hydroponics?

第16週:養液栽培裝置 Hydroponic cultivation device&養液栽培介質 Hydroponics medium

Course Mode


There are 16 units in this course, and each unit is a 12-15 minute video. This course is a self-study course. handout and exercises are provided every week in line with the course content to assist learners to check whether they understand the course content.

Grading Policy

• 課程及格標準: 100 分 滿分: 100分

Passing Criteria

Course Passing Grade:100 Full Score 100 point


歡迎對農業有興趣,且具備相當於華語文能力測驗 (TOCFL) A2等級之基礎華語能力的學習者學習。

Learners who are interested in agriculture and have TOCFL A2 level are welcome.

