Democratic Politics-民主政治
Teacher: 梁家恩
6Hours/6Weeks (Course is Time End)


This course presents to the student a basic and fundamental assessment of what democracy means. It aims to present to students the multi-faceted dimensions of this complex idea which has come to influence every aspect of our lives. By doing so, the course aims to help students better understand democracy as a living breathing organism and hopefully foster a desire to more involved in the democratic process wherever they hail from.

Course Objective

Introducing students to the basic concepts of democratic politics. This course will present both theoretical and practical perspectives. At the end of the course, it is hoped that the critical and analytical skills of the students will be further strengthened.


梁家恩 老師

Dr. Kar-Yen Leong
specializes in Southeast Asian politics with interests in democratic theory,
political theory as well as historical and cultural studies. Educated in both
the east and the west, he has likes to think in ‘universal’ ways.

Course Schedule

Unit 1:The Beginnings of Democracy

Unit 2:The Athenian Conception of Democracy

Unit 3:Magna Carta, Constitutions, and the Divine Right of Kings

Unit 4:Locke and Social Contract Theory

Unit 5:The Three Waves of Democratization

Unit 6:Factors For and Against Democratisation

Course Contents

This course takes a historical look at the development of democracy from
Greek times through to contemporary times. It will also feature key thinkers
behind the larger field of democratic politics.

Grading Policy

Test:5 * 20 = 100%

Passing Criteria

Course Passing Grade:60 Full Score 100 point



Course Suggest

”On Democracy” by Robert Dahl 1998

“Second Treatise on Government” John Locke

Democracy’s Third Wave by Samuel P. Huntington in Journal of Democracy Spring 1991







