當代應用心理學Contemporary Applied Psychology(國際班)
Teacher: 劉威德
(Course is Time End)


In this course, eight selected applied
psychology topics closely related to everyday life will be explored. Through
the application of knowledge in human factors psychology, consumer behavior,
leadership management, personality analysis, criminal behavior, mental health
and psychological testing, and interpersonal relationships, the mysteries of
applied psychology will be explained and interpreted. Examples include bicycle
design trends, consumer purchasing behavior, coin exchange mechanisms in
convenience stores, organizational leadership strategies, emotional management,
personality traits analysis, and how to cultivate successful workplace and
interpersonal relationships. The course will delve into the theories of applied
psychology and analyze concepts through practical life experiences.


The international class curriculum for this session is designed for international promotion purposes, and only one test is set as the passing criterion. It is different from regular courses and does not issue certificates.

Course Objective

Psychology is the scientific study of human nature, analyzing both implicit mental processes and explicit behavioral responses. It encompasses various areas such as cognition, emotion, personality, interpersonal relationships, leadership, and their close connection to daily life, including marriage, consumption, family, and product design. The influence of psychology extends to education, society, science, medicine, biology, and beyond. By exploring and analyzing the behavioral effects generated by psychology, both directly and indirectly impacting individual mental states and explaining individual behavior patterns using brain functioning models, the application of psychology in daily life becomes evident. The objective of this course is to explore the scientific foundation and principles of psychology, examine and analyze individual and social behaviors in everyday life from a psychological perspective, and then raise awareness and change individual mental processes and behavior patterns, ultimately leading to a fulfilling, harmonious, and healthy life.


Teacher Liu Weide

Service Organization/Title Professor, Institute of Technical and Vocational Education, Yunlin University of Science and Technology

Education Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Counseling, Taiwan Normal University


Currently the director of the General Education Center of Yunlin University of Science and Technology,

Associate Professor and Director of the Counseling Center and Dean of Academic Affairs, General Education Center, Zhongzhou University of Science and Technology

Associate Professor and Director of the Counseling Center, Director of the Institute of Technical and Vocational Education, and Director of the Teacher Training Center of Yunlin University of Science and Technology

Executive Secretary of the Asian Academic Society for Vocational Education and Training (Asian Academic Society for Vocational Education and Training, General Secretary)

Course Schedule

Unit 1:心理學原理概述Introduction

Unit 2:人因心理學原理簡介及實例探討Human Factors and Ergonomics

Unit 3:人因心理學原理簡介及實例探討Human Factors and Ergonomics

Unit 4:消費者心理學原理簡介及實例探討Consumer Psychology

Unit 5:組織及領導心理學原理簡介及實例探討Leadership Psychology

Unit 6:性格心理學原理簡介及實例探討Personality Psychology

Unit 7:法律與犯罪心理學原理簡介及實例探討 Law and Criminal Psychology

Unit 8:身心健康與適應心理原理簡介及實例探討Mental Health Psychology

Unit 9:心理測驗與個別特質差異的原理簡介及實例探討Psychological Testing

Unit 10:人際與職場心理的原理簡介及實例探討Human Relationship and Career Psychology

Unit 11:期末作業

Unit 12:Subtitle Indonesia印尼文字幕課程

Unit 13:Exam

Course Contents

The course will cover topics such as human
factors engineering and industrial product design, conformity and crowd
psychology, consumer behavior models, laws of successful marketing, consumer
awareness and psychological principles of advertising marketing, case studies
in advertising and marketing psychology, exploration of leadership management
phenomena, organizational management strategies, characteristics of successful
leaders, human resources management, personality trait analysis, formation and
development of personality, factors influencing personality, personality norms
and abnormalities, examination of criminal psychology, contextual analysis of
deviant behavior development, relationship between law and life, prevention of
crime and deviant behavior, psychological exploration of bullying behavior,
mental health aspects, emotional management, positive psychology,
implementation of community mental health, differences in individual
psychological traits, principles of psychological testing, understanding
individual traits through psychological testing and diagnostic tools,
misconceptions about psychological testing, exploration of interpersonal
relationship networks, factors influencing interpersonal relationships,
management of successful workplace psychology, job search pitfalls, and
theoretical concepts and examples related to all the aforementioned content.

Passing Criteria

Course Passing Grade:60 Full Score 100 point


This course does not require any background knowledge and is suitable for learners interested in psychology.

Course Suggest


Sternberg, Robert J. (2004). Psychology 4th.C.A. Thomson Wadsworth.

Bekerian, D. A. &Levey, A. B. (2005). Applied Psychology. Oxford.

Cascio, W. F. &Aguinis, H. (2005). Applied Psychology in Human Resource Management. Pearson Prentice Hall.

美國心理學會(American Psychology Association, APA)資源

張春興(1991). 現代心理學。臺北:東華書局。

張春興(2001). 心理學思想的流變。臺北:東華書局。

張春興(2003). 心理學原理。臺北:東華書局。


劉威德, 2016, 當代應用心理學:網路課程以多層次模式教學實務與成效分析--MOOC+SPOC+OCW混合教學設計, 天空家族, 台中市. (ISBN:9789865955847)

劉威德, 2016, 當代應用心理學, 天空家族, 台中市. (ISBN:9789865955830)