环境心理学Environmental Psychology(国际班)
教师: 劉威德


From the perspective of the external environment, analyzing the interactive effects between individuals and the environment. Therefore, the opening statement of this course is as follows: "Humans impact the environment, and the environment changes behavior. Welcome to Environmental Psychology." With this introductory phrase, the overarching theme of this course is sufficiently outlined. On the positive side, there are many factors to consider in making good use of the natural environment, planning and designing artificial environments, and creating suitable personal living spaces. The planning of public facilities such as schools, workplaces, hospitals, communities, and diverse-friendly environments is of great concern. In particular, learning to integrate classical cultural patterns with modern living environments is a unique feature of this course.

As for the negative aspects, dealing with noise, environmental pollution, coping with natural disasters, and man-made disasters, and constantly considering the sustainable utilization of the environmental ecology are also part of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

"Environmental Psychology" is the third series of courses following "Applied Psychology" and "Social Psychology" and is based on a systemic view of psychology.


The international class curriculum for this session is designed for international promotion purposes, and only one test is set as the passing criterion. It is different from regular courses and does not issue certificates.


This course begins by exploring the individual's psychological factors in sensing and perceiving the external environment, including how information from the physical environment is received and processed cognitively. This includes the individual's reception, perception, and response to major environmental stimuli such as visual, auditory, tactile, and olfactory factors.


As urbanization gathers more people in urban spaces, numerous construction and alterations have been made to alter the natural environment and create artificial environments, such as high-rise residential buildings, transportation systems, internet networks, and public facilities. These altered environments, in turn, influence human behaviors, resulting in various urban issues such as economic development, crime, noise pollution, air pollution, and traffic congestion.


Within a population, spatial allocation and usage boundaries are inevitable. The harmonious and orderly sharing and possession of space often encounter conflicts and pressures from external environments, which are also topics explored by environmental psychologists.


From the beginning, this course outlines the approach that "humans change the environment, and the environment influences behavior." It analyzes individual's sensory, perceptual, and cognitive psychological factors in response to natural and artificial environments, thereby elaborating on the positive benefits as well as the negative aspects of urban living environments, such as urban crime and various environmental pollution issues. It also incorporates classical environmental models to reconcile the planning perspectives of modern living environments, contributing to the design of private and public spaces. The course aims to achieve a more balanced development in aesthetics, multiculturalism, and sustainable environments.


The course also explores the identification and coping strategies for natural disasters and man-made disasters. It emphasizes the importance of considering sustainable development of ecological environments while pursuing human civilization and economic growth.


Teacher Liu Weide

Service Organization/Title Professor, Institute of Technical and Vocational Education, Yunlin University of Science and Technology

Education Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Counseling, Taiwan Normal University


Currently the director of the General Education Center of Yunlin University of Science and Technology,

Associate Professor and Director of the Counseling Center and Dean of Academic Affairs, General Education Center, Zhongzhou University of Science and Technology

Associate Professor and Director of the Counseling Center, Director of the Institute of Technical and Vocational Education, and Director of the Teacher Training Center of Yunlin University of Science and Technology

Executive Secretary of the Asian Academic Society for Vocational Education and Training (Asian Academic Society for Vocational Education and Training, General Secretary)


单元 1:Definition of Environmental Psychology

单元 2:Environmental Attitudes and Behavior

单元 3:Urban Living Environment

单元 4:Factors Influencing Personal Space Distance

单元 5:Noise and Social Behavior

单元 6:Weather and Climate's Impact on Human Behavior

单元 7:Design and Human Nature

单元 8:Classical Models of Spatial Environmental Planning

单元 9:The Dilemma of Public Resources and Social Issues

单元 10:Final Exam

单元 11:Subtitle Indonesia印尼文本幕课程


This course begins by exploring the
individual's psychological factors in sensing and perceiving the external
environment, including how information from the physical environment is received
and processed cognitively. This includes the individual's reception,
perception, and response to major environmental stimuli such as visual,
auditory, tactile, and olfactory factors.


As urbanization gathers more people in
urban spaces, numerous construction and alterations have been made to alter the
natural environment and create artificial environments, such as high-rise
residential buildings, transportation systems, internet networks, and public
facilities. These altered environments, in turn, influence human behaviors,
resulting in various urban issues such as economic development, crime, noise
pollution, air pollution, and traffic congestion.


Within a population, spatial allocation and
usage boundaries are inevitable. The harmonious and orderly sharing and
possession of space often encounter conflicts and pressures from external
environments, which are also topics explored by environmental psychologists.


From the beginning, this course outlines
the approach that "humans change the environment, and the environment
influences behavior." It analyzes individual's sensory, perceptual, and
cognitive psychological factors in response to natural and artificial
environments, thereby elaborating on the positive benefits as well as the
negative aspects of urban living environments, such as urban crime and various
environmental pollution issues. It also incorporates classical environmental
models to reconcile the planning perspectives of modern living environments,
contributing to the design of private and public spaces. The course aims to
achieve a more balanced development in aesthetics, multiculturalism, and
sustainable environments.


The course also explores the identification
and coping strategies for natural disasters and man-made disasters. It
emphasizes the importance of considering sustainable development of ecological
environments while pursuing human civilization and economic growth.




This course does not require any background knowledge and is suitable for learners interested in psychology.


Bell, Paul A. Environmental psychology.

Gifford, Robert. Environmental psychology: principles and practice.

Kopec, David Alan. Environmental psychology for design

麥安竹/危芷芬譯/McAndrew Francis T著。環境心理學


鄒塞/關華山譯/Zeisel, John著。 研究與設計:環境行為研究的工具。


貝爾/聶筱秋譯/Bell, Paul A.。環境心理學。

徐磊青/楊公俠。環境心理學:環境, 知覺和行為。