紅利點數如何查詢及使用? How to check and use rewards points?

紅利點數如何查詢及使用? How to check and use rewards points?
lilyn.admin發表於2021年 03月 3日(三) 11:49

  • 紅利點數是什麼?
    • 紅利點數可以1:1折抵ewant平台付費證書金額。

  • 紅利點數可以轉換成現金嗎?
    • 紅利點數目前僅提供折抵付費證書金額,無法轉換成現金。

Step1. 在您進入付費證書系統後,點選左方列表的「紅利查詢」,即能查看您有多少紅利點數可以使用

After entering certificate system, please click “紅利查詢” on the left side, then you can see how many rewards points you have in your account.

Step2. 點選「我要申請證書」,搜尋到您想要申請的證書後,點選下一步

Go searching for the certificate you'd like to apply for, and click “下一步

Step3. 您會看到上方有顯示您的紅利點數,以及可以自行填寫希望使用多少紅利的欄位

You will see there is information about which course you choose, grade, price of certificate and the reward points you left. Please enter the amount of points you'd like to use.

Step4. 填寫完收件及收據資料後,點選下一步,就會看到扣掉紅利點數後您應繳的金額

Fill in recipient information, and click “下一步”. You will see the price after redeeming the points.

Step5. 確認金額無誤後,選擇繳費方式完成繳費即可 :)

Please check the price carefully. If correct, choose the payment method and complete the payment. :)