Teacher: 姜翠芬
9Hours/8Weeks (Course is Time End)


  • 本課程將以英語授課,藉由英語翻譯文本及英語溝通使修課學生能透過六齣戲碼《竇娥冤》、《趙氏孤兒》、《牡丹亭》、《雷雨》、《車站》、《暗戀桃花源》的介紹,瞭解傳統中國與現代中國戲劇的表演藝術,另可透過英文表達介紹中國文化及中國戲劇。
  • This course will be conducted in English. By using English translations and conducting discussions in English foucusing on the six plays, which are Injustice to Dou E, The Orphan of Chao, The Peony Pavilion, Thunderstorm, Bus Stop, and Secret Love in Peach Blossom Land, students will learn about the performing arts of both traditional and mondern Chinese drama. Student will also learn to introduce Chinese culture and Chinese drama in English.

Course Objective


This course focuses on the survey of traditional and modern Chinese drama and oral performance. The course will be conducted in English, and required readings are also in English. In addtion to studying English, students are expected to express themselves in English in introducing Chinese culture and Chinese drama.



  • 教師姓名:姜翠芬
  • 教師簡介:

    西雅圖華盛頓大學比較文學博士。現為台灣國立政治大學英文系教授,主授現代西方戲劇及西洋文學概論。專長為美國少數族裔戲劇、後殖民戲劇、女性主義戲劇、和比較戲劇。著有The American Dream in African American, Asian American, and Hispanic American Drama. Lewiston, Queenston, Lampeter: The Edwin Mellen P, 2009.

Course Schedule


第2週:《竇娥冤》(Injustice to Dou E)

第3週:《趙氏孤兒》(The Orphan of Chao)



第6週:《車站》(Bus Stop) 作者簡介/劇情賞析/重要段落解讀


Course Contents

  • 第一週 Week 1
    • 中國戲劇史概論:古代篇(介紹中國戲劇的形成與發展歷史)
    • Introduction to the History of Chinese Drama: pre-Yuan dynasties (the formation and development of Chinese drama)
    • 中國戲劇史概論:元雜劇(介紹元雜劇的形成、劇種、體例)
    • Introduction to the History of Chinese Drama: Yuan zaju (the formation, genre, and format of Yuan zaju)
  • 第二週 Week 2
    • 《竇娥冤》:作者簡介/劇情賞析/重要段落解讀
    • Injustice to Dou E: playwright / plot summary / important passages and analysis
  • 第三週 Week 3
    • 《趙氏孤兒》:作者簡介/劇情賞析/重要段落解讀
    • The Orphan of Chao: playwright / plot summary / important passages and analysis
  • 第四週 Week 4
    • 中國戲劇史概述:崑曲(介紹崑曲的形成及體例)
    • Introduction to the History of Chinese Drama: kunqu (the formation and format of kunqu)
    • 《牡丹亭》:作者簡介/劇情賞析/重要段落解讀
    • The Peony Pavilion: playwright / plot summary / important passages and analysis
  • 第五週 Week 5
    • 中國戲劇史概論:京劇(介紹京劇的形成及體例)
    • Introduction to the History of Chinese Drama: Peking Opera  (the formation and format of Peking Opera)
    • 中國戲劇史概論:現代篇(介紹中國戲劇在二十世紀的發展)
    • Introduction to the History of Chinese Drama: Modern China (the development of Chinese Drama in the 20th century)
    • 《雷雨》:作者簡介/劇情賞析/重要段落解讀
    • Thunderstorm: playwright / plot summary / important passages and analysis
  • 第六週 Week 6
    • 《車站》:作者簡介/劇情賞析/重要段落解讀
    • Bus Stop: playwright / plot summary / important passages and analysis
  • 第七週
    • 中國戲劇史概論:臺灣篇(介紹中國戲劇在臺灣的發展)
    • Introduction to the History of Chinese Drama: Modern Taiwan (the development of Chinese Drama in Taiwan)
    • 《暗戀桃花源》:作者簡介/劇情賞析/重要段落解讀
    • Secret Love in Peach Blossom Land: playwright / plot summary / important passages and analysis

Course Mode

   1. 本課程分為七週,由老師主講中國戲劇的歷史發展。根據時間順序,由古代戲劇進入現代戲劇,以經典劇目六齣觀察及深入閱讀,進而理解中國戲劇的演變及特色。每齣戲均透過重要段落詳析來深入探究該戲的劇情鋪陳、主題思想、人物塑造、及雋永對白之語言藝術。同時,每一單元均搭配學習問題,鼓勵學習者多與經典大師及文本對話。

This course is divided into 7 weeks. The instructor will focus on the history and development of Chinese Drama. With close readings of six selected plays and analyses of important passages, students will learn about the formation and characteristics of both traditional and modern Chinese drama as well as plot arrangement, themes, character building, and classic lines in each play. Besides, this course will have study questions for each unit or play. 

   2. 本課程鼓勵學習者透過平台公佈欄,及透過討論區的議題討論、創意改寫筆記的同儕互評、戲劇表演劇評的心得交流,可讓同學在網上互相合作。

2. This course encourages students to cooperate and interact with each other by discussing certain issues online, peer-reviewing of creative writings, and  sharing comments or feedbacks of theatrical productions.

Grading Policy

    • 小考  Quiz                                             10%
    • Study question worksheet                    15%
    • 隨想筆記及創意改寫與劇評(至少一篇劇評)   
      Class notes, creative writings, or
      play critiques (at least one critique)       15% 
    • 線上討論  Online discussion                  10%
    • 期中考  Mid-term exam                          25%
    • 期末考  Final exam                                25%

Passing Criteria

Course Passing Grade:60 Full Score 100 point



Course Suggest

Chen, Xiaomei. The Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Drama. New York: Columbia University Press, 2010.

Mackerras, Colin. Chinese Drama: a Historical Survey. Beijing, China: New World Press: China International Book Trading Corporation, 1990.

West, Stephen H., and Wilt L. Idema. Monks, Bandits, Lovers, and Immortals : Eleven Early Chinese Plays. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. Co., 2010.







